Thursday, April 1, 2010

town mayor shot to death

in Washington Park, Illinois. The Illinois state police are conducting an investigation after the mayor of Washington park Illinois was found dead in his car after being shot to death on thursday morning. John Thornton the mayor was found in the 4700 block of caseybille Avenue were his car had been crashed into a tree. he was taken to a local hospital were they had announced him dead at 6 a.m. . Mcafee who is the lead detective on the fast says that the mayor was driving home after he got off work from a second job around 5:30 a.m. he stopped to pick somone up who was walking down the street. this wasnt an uncommon act for the mayor he normally gave ride to strangers and stopped to help them. the detectives say that he was held at gun point at an attempt to try and rob him when the mayor said no he was shot twice in the chest at close range and left for dead. the person then jumped out of the car and into a red chevy vehicle. the get away driver is in custody and is being questioned for a confession.

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